New FAQs available

New FAQs about the non-removal of contributors from MCR

07 March 2022

Is it possible to remove clinical supervisors who do not wish to contribute to the MCR during the two-week grace period, in order to speed up the sign off process?

 No. The educational principles upon which the MCR is based mean that all clinical supervisors who work with trainees in a placement must have the opportunity to contribute to the MCR. Removing them from the MCR risks aspects of performance being overlooked and may impact patient safety.

After the MCR meeting, all clinical supervisors named in the trainee placement will receive a link to the MCR, giving them the opportunity to add comments. It is the responsibility of each clinical supervisor to act on the invitation, whether it be to agree or disagree with the outcomes of the MCR. Once all contributors have chosen to agree or disagree with the MCR, it will be available for the AES to complete the process.

What happens if the Learning Agreement and / or MCR is not completed by the time of the ARCP?

The Learning Agreement and MCR are linked in order to ensure trainee performance against objectives is reviewed and fed back to trainees midway through a placement. It helps to pick up development needs and ensure a fair final decision is made at the end of the placement by the training body. Each stage in the process has to be completed before the next becomes available. Because the assessment system has been designed to be sequential, a delay in one part of the sequence could impact the next part, delaying, for example, the timely completion of the Learning Agreement and the provision of the MCR. In order to highlight any problems, you may find it helpful to use this reflective template to communicate any mitigating factors or extenuating circumstances relating to the inability to provide the required evidence for the ARCP.

You can find these and all our other answers in our FAQs section.