Restorative Dentistry Curriculum


Restorative Dentistry is specialist dental care for patients who have complex dental problems, often requiring care from a multidisciplinary team.

It is usually necessary for patients who either have a developmental condition affecting their teeth and mouth, such as a cleft palate or failure to develop the adult teeth, or when their mouth has been damaged by cancer or trauma. It therefore extends to restoration and rehabilitation of the whole mouth. Restorative Dentistry also involves caring for patients who require Prosthodontics, Periodontic and Endodontic treatment.

Specialist Restorative Dentistry services throughout the UK are predominantly delivered by a team led by Consultants in Restorative Dentistry with the help of other colleagues, usually in a hospital setting. Other services are available in some dental practices.

Specialists in Restorative Dentistry are also often involved with NHS management, clinical research, and delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate dental education.