Specialty Syllabus
Specialty training
The list of competencies to be achieved in the three years of training is as follows:
Core clinical competencies
- Extraction of teeth & retained roots/pathology and management of associated complications including oro-antral fistula
- Management of odontogenic and all other oral infections
- Management of impacted teeth; management of complications
- Peri-radicular surgery
- Dentoalveolar surgery in relation to orthodontic treatment
- Intraoral and labial biopsy techniques
- Treatment of intra-oral benign and cystic lesions of hard and soft tissues
- Management of benign salivary gland disease by intra-oral techniques and familiarity with the diagnosis and treatment of other salivary gland diseases
- Insertion of osseointegrated dental implants including bone augmentation and soft tissue management
- Appropriate pain and anxiety control including the administration of standard conscious sedation techniques
- Management of adults and children as in-patients, including the medically at-risk patient
- Management of dento-alveolar trauma and familiarity with the management and treatment of fractures of the jaws and facial skeleton
- Management of oro-facial pain including temporomandibular joint disorders
- Clinical diagnosis of oral cancer and potentially malignant diseases, familiarity with their management and appropriate referral
- The diagnosis of dentofacial deformity and familiarity with its management and treatment
- Diagnosis of oral mucosal diseases and familiarity with their management and appropriate referral
To successfully achieve the above competencies, trainees must obtain experience of inpatient management including exposure to emergency work, and be exposed to appropriate well-focussed general medical and surgical training to develop competence in ward care.
Basic competencies in the management of health care delivery.
- An overview of health services management, administration and use of resources.
- An understanding of evidence-based practice, clinical guidelines and monitoring of outcomes.
- Awareness of medico-legal responsibilities, jurisprudence and ethics.
Curriculum Milestones
Curriculum milestones will be used to record how the trainee moves from the "knows/knows how" to "shows" and "shows how" as training develops. Upon completion of the programme, the trainee should have the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes shownoutlined below in the Content of Learningin the Specialty and Professional Skills syllabuses.
Attitudes will be measured by the behaviour demonstrated relevant to that attitude.
Level 1
- No or very limited knowledge and experience in subject area
- Close supervision/advice required when working in subject area
- Attitude/values not well developed.
Level 2
- Satisfactory knowledge in subject area, moderate practical experience and skill developing
- May occasionally require direct supervision when working in subject area
- Attitude/values developing
Level 3 (Ready for completion of training)
- Ability to work in area without direct supervision
- Knowledge in subject area as expected of a Specialist in Oral Surgery
- Performance of tasks and approach to tasks as expected of a Specialist in Oral Surgery.
- Attitudes as expected of a Specialist in Oral Surgery.
NB. Generally these levels will correspond with progress through the training period. However, this will not always be the case as some SpRs will enter the programme with extensive experience in some areas.