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Oral Medicine (2011)


The curriculum defines the outcomes to specialty training in Oral Medicine in preparation for the Intercollegiate Specialty Fellowship Examination (ISFE) and the award of a Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST) in Oral Medicine.

There are many routes by which the curriculum outcomes may be achieved and individual specialty trainees will have different needs. Specialty Training is undertaken within the framework and requirements described in the Gold Guide‘’. It is important that you are familiar with it from the outset of training. For example, descriptions are given of the roles of the Training Programme Director (TPD) and the Educational and Clinical Supervisors. The Gold Guide is a lengthy document and many of the sections may not relate directly to you, so focus on the key pieces of information relevant to your training.

The purpose of the ISCP is to act as a focus for each trainee to store evidence that supports the breadth of the curriculum outcomes are being achieved and that there is overall progress through training in a timely way. General guidance about ISCP is available here. Guidance specific to Oral Medicine trainees is available here.

This evidence presented to demonstrate progress to the curriculum outcomes may take many forms. Take care to ensure that patient confidentiality is not broken. The evidence collected will help the planning of your training and will be accessed as part of the ARCP processes. Potentially, the evidence recorded may also have other uses such as measuring academic progress or for professional registration revalidation.

Dr Alan J. Mighell

Chair SACADS, April 2014