Paediatric Dentistry is a Specialty dedicated to the delivery of optimal oral health care for infants, children and adolescents. The skills, knowledge and abilities acquired during Specialty training aim to equip the Paediatric Dentist to deliver effective oral health care to those children whose management falls outside the scope of the general dental practitioner. Whilst the need for specialist paediatric dental care often arises because of the more complex nature of the child's oral and dental problems, such as anomalies in dental development, dento-alveolar trauma, or those with extensive disease, the management of more routine dental problems in children with complex co-morbidities, behavioural, anxiety or developmental problems also forms an important part of the Specialist's remit. Usually the emphasis is on comprehensive holistic care, with the Paediatric Dentist often working with other dental and medical Specialties and other health care professionals, especially those within other Paediatric fields, to achieve this.
Pre CCST Training
Specialist training in Paediatric Dentistry is open to Dental Practitioners who are registered with the General Dental Council, have completed vocational training, and have acquired sufficient experience, both practical and academic, to gain appointment to an Specialty Registrar post by competitive interview.
Specialist training in Paediatric Dentistry is of three years duration (or equivalent), towards the end of which trainees will take the Membership in Paediatric Dentistry examination. The curriculum for specialist training is shown here. It is divided broadly into two parts – general and speciality specific components. All activity that is recorded should be mapped against the learning objectives shown in this curriculum and acts as evidence of suitable progression and – ultimately – of completion of training. The content of the Membership in Paediatric dentistry examination is mapped against the learning outcomes of the curriculum.
Post CCST Consultant Development Framework in Paediatric Dentistry
Paediatric Dentistry is one of the recognised Consultant-led dental specialties and the role of the Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry is akin to that of consultants in the other medical and dental disciplines. It is recognised, however, that a CCST holder employed as a substantive or honorary consultant in the NHS is required not only to practise core specialist skills but also to possess the knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable him or her to assume a leadership role in respect of service provision, education/training and management.
To attain the position of a consultant, individuals would have pursued and been examined on their higher professional training, which is additional to the requirements for entry to the Specialist Register. This additional training is mainly hospital and paediatrics orientated to include immuno-compromised patients and those with tumours, cleft lip and palate as well as patients with haematological, endocrine and other disorders. Thus there is a distinct difference between the role and training of a consultant compared to that of a specialist. The Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry trains for an additional two years post CCST. Demonstration of the learning outcomes detailed in this curriculum is considered a pre-requisite for consultant appointment. The post-CCST training is quality assured by ABSTD, JCSTD and COPDEND.
SAC in Paediatric Dentistry, 2014
Teaching and Learning methods
ACI = audit/critical incident analysis; CA = clinical attachment; CBL = case-based learning; CTS = clinical teaching/supervision; EC = external course; MDC = multidisciplinary clinic; PW = project work; SDL = self-directed learning; ST = structured teaching; 360 = 360° degree appraisal
Assessment methods
ISFE = Intercollegiate Specialty Fellowship examination; PDP = personal development bportfolio; WBA = workplace-based assessment