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Endodontics (2011)

Development of the Curriculum

The revision of the curriculum for Endodontics was initiated by the SAC subsequent to recent guidance from the General Dental Council (GDC) and its Specialist Dental Education Board (SDEB) on dental specialty training, in line with principles outlined by PMETB (now the GMC) and the Dental "Gold Guide".

This curriculum has been developed by a working party from the SAC in Restorative Dentistry, chaired by Prof. David Bartlett (curriculum lead for Endodontics, Periodontics and Prosthodontics for the SAC) and including Prof A W G Walls (SAC chair 2007-2010), Professor Kishor Gulabivala, Professor Phillip Lumley, Dr John Whitworth, Mr Mark Hunter (specialist practitioner representative) and Mr S Barclay. It has been discussed at the SAC, and has been sent for consultation to the relevant professional societies (the British Endodontic Society, the British Societies for Periodontology, Restorative Dentistry and the Study of Prosthetic Dentistry) and the Association of Consultants and Specialists in Restorative Dentistry. This consultation process has therefore involved individuals with expertise in curriculum development, Consultant and Specialist Trainers and trainees. The final version of the curriculum was also reviewed by the Joint Committee for Specialist Training in Dentistry.